Kleenpak™ Capsules with HDC® II Filter Assemblies

High Dirt Retention Polypropylene Liquid Filters in the most Convenient Form

KA1… KA2… KA3…
J012 (1.2μm)… J025 (2.5μm)… J045 (4.5μm)… J060 (6μm)… J100 (10μm)…

KleenpakTM Nova Particulate and Pre-filter Capsule Filters

Improving Choice, Flexibility and Operating Costs for the Prefiltration and Clarification of Liquids

NP6… NP7… NP8…NT6… NT7… NT8..
UUA (0.2μm) UB (0.45μm) U010Z (1μm) U2-20Z (2μm) A015 (1.5μm) A030 (3μm) A050 (5μm)
UY045 (4.5μm)

Novasip™ Liquid Sterilizing-grade Capsule Filters 

The clear choice for Steaming-In-Place

C05NFP1 (0.2μm) C3NFP1 (0.2μm) C3DFLP1 (0.2μm) C3DJLP1 0.1μm)

Kleenpak™ Nova Sterilizing-grade and Virus Removal

Improving Choice, Flexibility and operation Costs for the Sterile Filtration of Liquids

NP6… NP7… NP8…NT6… NT7… NT8..
DFL (0.2μm) DJL (0.1μm) NF (0.2μm) NT (0.1μm) NFZ (0.2μm) NTZ (0.1μm) EKV (0.2μm)
92D (0.2μm) LUDV50 (virus filter) LDV20 (virus filter)

Kleenpak™ Nova Sterilizing-grade and Virus RemoKleenpak™ Capsules with Fluorodyne® II Membrane Assembliesval

Ideal for Sterile Filtration of Biopharmaceutical Fluids

KA1… KA2… KA3…KA4…
DBL (0.45μm)
DFL (0.2μm) DJL (0.1μm)

Kleenpak™ NOVA Capsule Filters

Improving choice, flexibility and operation for filtration of liquids

NP6… NP7… NP8… (In-line), NT6… NT7… NT8… (T-style)
UY045P (4.5μm), A050P (5μm), A030P (3μm), A015P (1.5μm), U2-20Z, U2-20ZP (2μm), U010Z, U010ZP (1μm), UB, UBP (0.45μm)
DJLP, NTP, NTZP (0.1μm)
LUDV50P (grade DV50 virus filter), LDV20P (grade DV20 virus filter)
LMSTGQP (Chromatography cartridge filter)

Mini Kleenpak™ Sterilizing-grade Capsule Filters

Ideal for Scale-up and Scale-down

KA02EKVP2 (0.2μm) KA02EBVP2 (0.2μm) KA02DFLP2 (0.2μm) KA02DJLP2 (0.1μm)

Kleenpak™ Capsules with Supor® EKV Membrane Assemblies

Optimized for Filtration of Buffers and Biological Fluids

KA3EKVP1 (0.2μm) KA3EKVP6 (0.2μm) KA3EKVP16 (0.2μm)

Kleenpak™ Capsules with HDC® II Gas Filter Assemblies

High-capacity Polypropylene Air and Gas Filters in the Most Convenient Form

KA1… KA2… KA3…
J012 (1.2μm)
J025 (2.5μm) J045 (4.5μm) J060 (6μm) J100 (10μm)

Kleenpak™ Capsules with Emflon® II Membrane Assemblies

Gamma-irradiation Tolerant Air and Gas Filters for Disposable Systems

KA02V002P8 (0.2μm) KA1V002P1 (0.2μm) KA2V002P1 (0.2μm) KA3V002P1 (0.2μm)
KA02V002P2 (0.2μm) KA1V002P2 (0.2μm) KA2V002P2 (0.2μm) KA3V002P2 (0.2μm)

Novasip™ Capsule with Emflon® PFR Membrane Assemblies

The clear Choice for Steam-in-Place of Air and Gas Filters

C2PFRP1 (0.2μm) C3PFRP1 (0.2μm)

Kleenpak™ Capsules with Emflon® PFR Membrane Assemblies

High-strength, Long-life Sterilizing Filters for Air and Gas

KA1PFRP1 (0.2μm) KA2PFRP1 (0.2μm) KA3PFRP1 (0.2μm)
KA1PFRP6 (0.2μm) KA2PFRP6 (0.2μm) KA3PFRP6 (0.2μm)

PreFlow™ Capsule Filters

Designed for small volume production, bioburden reduction, clarification, and prefiltration

DFA3001UUAC (0.2μm) DFA3001UBC (0.45μm)

Mini Profile® Capsule Filters 

Designed for small volume production, high-capacity for larger solids and gels as well as for fine particles

BYA015P6 (Profile Star1.5μm) BYA030P6 (Profile Star3μm) BYA050P6 (Profile Star5μm) .
BYY005P6 (Profile II 0.5μm) BYY010P6 (Profile II 1μm) .